1. Performance Lab
Performance plugin from the WordPress Performance Team, which is a collection of standalone performance modules.
2. Redis Object Cache
A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Relay, replication, sentinels, clustering and WP-CLI.
3. Super Cache
4. Simple Cloudflare Turnstile
Easily add Cloudflare Turnstile to all your WordPress website forms to protect them from spam!
A user-friendly, privacy-preserving reCAPTCHA alternative.
5. PWA(渐进式WEB应用)插件
Progressive Web Apps are user experiences that have the reach of the web, and are:
- 可靠 – 即使在不确定的网络条件下,也能立即加载并且从不显示 downasaur。
- Fast – 通过丝滑流畅的动画和无卡顿的滚动快速响应用户交互。
- Engaging – 感觉就像设备上的自然应用程序,具有身临其境的用户体验。
This new level of quality allows Progressive Web Apps to earn a place on the user’s home screen.
1. JWT Auth
提供REST API的JWT认证,没有管理界面。
1. woocommerce
一站式帮助您在数天内推出一个在线商店并保持持续发展。 从您的第一笔交易到赚得数百万收入,Woo 都与您同在。
2. Action Scheduler
A robust scheduling library for use in WordPress plugins.